Enhancing Operator Safety: The Role Of Impairment Detection Technology

September 12, 2024 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT

A number of pressures, from new state laws legalizing marijuana use to growing demands on workers, have made managing operator safety more difficult. The good news is that Impairment Detection Technology (IDT) can help. Join MSCI and Predictive Safety SRP, Inc. for a free one hour webinar to find out how.

The webinar will explore how IDT can be integrated into existing safety measures to proactively identify and address issues related to fatigue, distraction, and other forms of driver and operator impairment. Attendees will gain insights into how IDT can help reduce safety incidents, leading to a safer work environment, lower operational risks, and potential cost savings.

Predictive Safety Chief Operating Officer Jeff Sease and Kristin White, a partner at Fisher Phillips LLP, will lead this discussion, answering questions like:

  • How does IDT work, and how is it different from traditional safety measures?
  • What specific benefits does IDT offer in the context for the metals industry?
  • How can IDT help manage the complexities of legalized marijuana and other forms of impairment?
  • What are the best practices for integrating IDT with existing safety protocols?
  • What results can be expected from implementing IDT, as demonstrated by recent case studies?

This webinar is a must-attend event for safety and risk managers; operations and fleet professionals; HR personnel responsible for workforce safety; senior leaders and executives focused concerned about safety and compliance; and anyone interested in improving operational safety and compliance.

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