Own the Room with Your Voice: Speaking Less & Saying More

November 7, 2024 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST

The stage or lectern is the most desired and attention-getting position in a room. But there is a price for that prime real estate: your voice. In a free, one-hour webinar for MSCI members, leadership expert Dethra Giles will offer the tools industrial metals company executives, managers, and shop floor leaders need to develop their voices so they can be more effective at their jobs and become stronger collaborators and more effective problem solvers.

Regarded as the “CEO-Maker” and the “Cubicle to Corner Office Empress,” Giles is a workplace and career optimizer who advises organizations and individuals on how to chart unique paths to success. She is a four-time TEDx speaker who has been named a “Top 100 HR Influencer” by Engagedly, and was selected by HR Gazette’s “HRchat” podcast as one of the “Top 22 Most Influential Figures in HR.”

Here is what an energy solutions manager at Atlanta Gas Light & Chattanooga Gas Company said after hearing one of Giles’ presentations: “We expected motivation but we did not expect for the staff to still be talking about the meeting a month later. They are still asking for more. The staff talks about how they were motivated to work better, harder, and build a better life.”

Giles’ clients include Kaiser Permanente, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy, the National Basketball Association, and the Salvation Army.

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