Supply Chain Management: The Transition to Supply Chain 3.0

August 23, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT

Supply Chain Management: The Transition to Supply Chain 3.0
Tuesday, August 23, 2022 1:00 – 2:00 pm CDT


There is little doubt that the past three years have disrupted the supply chain. A supply chain, which previously worked well, broke down across the entire length of the chain. Yet, from this apparent “wreck,” a new supply chain approach is emerging.

Join Steven A. Melnyk Ph.D., Professor of Supply Chain Management at Michigan State University as he explores this transition from Supply Chain 1.0 (prior to 2020) to Supply Chain 2.0 (2021) to Supply Chain 3.0 (2022 and beyond). He will discuss the factors underlying the transition and  identify the traits and characteristics associated with Supply Chain 3.0. This is a supply chain characterized by a more strategic orientation, by an emphasis on robustness rather than optimality, by the need to balance technology with factors such as relationships, by the emergence of a new type of supply chain leader, and by the increasing importance of fast decision-making.

The presentation will not only identify why Supply Chain 1.0 failed; it will discuss what you must do to succeed with Supply Chain 3.0.

STEVEN A. MELNYK (Ph.D., Western –1981) is Professor of Supply Chain Management at Michigan State University. He has co-authored 21 books, over 100 refereed journal articles and numerous practitioner articles. His research focus includes supply chain risk and resilience, strategic supply chain management, supply chain cyber security, and certified management standards. Dr. Melnyk sits on the editorial review board for numerous journals, including the International Journal of Production Research, and the International Journal of Operations and Production Management. From 2014 to 2016, Dr. Melnyk was a member of the APICS Board of Directors. From 2017 to 2019, Dr. Melnyk had a joint appointment from the University of Newcastle (Australia) where he was the Newcastle Global Innovation Chair in Supply Chain Management. In 2017, the Academy of Management –  the Operations and Supply Chain Division — recognized Dr. Melnyk as a Distinguished Scholar in the field.  Dr. Melnyk is recognized for this ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice. In 2018, Dr. Melnyk received the Withrow Teacher-Scholar Award from the Eli Broad School of Business, Michigan State University, in recognition of his work as both a researcher and a teacher.  His recent work has included a study for a branch of the armed services addressing the question of how good a customer was the branch was and a study for the National Defense Industry Association regarding supply chain cybersecurity.

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