Honoring Those Who Served: David Sheer
May is National Military Appreciation Month in the United States. MSCI will celebrate by featuring member company employees — our MSCI Metals Veterans — who have served their country in uniform. If you are veteran or member of the military and would like to share your story, fill out this questionnaire. Readers: we hope you will honor these courageous individuals by sharing their stories on social media using #MSCIMetalVets and tagging MSCI.
Name: David Sheer
Company: The Steel Supply Company
City and State: Rolling Meadows, Ill.
Current Position/Job Title: Retired (learn more about Sheer’s incredible metals career in this 2020 profile in Metal Center News)
Education: MBA
Military Branch: U.S. Air Force
Years of Service: 1964-69
Job/MOS in the military: Flight support
Unit and where you were stationed: All over the world!
What memorable phrase or word will never be the same now that you served? You CAN do this!
What is something new you learned about yourself from serving? The ability to adapt to occurrences beyond your immediate control.
How have you applied lessons in the military to your job/career? Yes: compassion. Understanding both sides of the issue. Not making judgements on personality.
Do you have a favorite quote, mantra, or personal motto? We’re all in this together.
How can the metals industry do a better job connecting with veterans? Reaching out to veteran groups such as American Legion or Veterans of Foreign Wars. Promoting job offers would be a good start.
Anything else that you would like to share regarding your experience? The military makes you “grow up” faster than you may have thought you needed, or wanted. It’s a good experience for your career.
Thank you for your service, David! Click here to read other profiles in this series and join the Military Appreciation Month conversation on MSCI’s Community Forum.