Honoring Those Who Served: Joseph Wales
May is National Military Appreciation Month in the United States. MSCI has been celebrating by featuring member company employees — our MSCI Metals Veterans — who have served their country in uniform. Click here to find our past features.
Name: Staff Sergeant Joseph Wales
Company: SSAB
City and State: Mobile, Ala.
Current Position/Job Title: Chemical lab operator
Education: Some college
Military Branch: U.S. Army National Guard
Years of Service: 9
Job/MOS in the military: 56M Religious Affairs NCO / Military Funeral Honors Head Coordinator Southern Alabama AO
Unit and where you were stationed: Current unit of assignment 877 Engineer Battalion
What memorable phrase or word will never be the same now that you served? “It’ll buff out.” In a bad situation, I always think, “Well it could be worse, so why get mad about what’s happening now.”
What is something new you learned about yourself from serving? I learned that to be a capable leader, I have to be the best possible version of myself for my subordinates. In bad times, your subordinates look at you to see your reaction to a situation. Leaders must remain calm and professional in order to maintain discipline and order.
How have you applied lessons in the military to your job/career? Professionalism and the drive to remain technically proficient.
Do you have a favorite quote, mantra, or personal motto? “Without training they lacked knowledge, without knowledge they lacked confidence, and without confidence they lacked victory.” – Giaus Julius Caesar
How can the metals industry do a better job connecting with veterans? Better use of leadership skills/application of Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) in leadership positions.
Anything else that you would like to share regarding your experience? The steel industry reminds me of the military culture in some ways. The comradery, while not to the extent it is in the U.S. Army, makes me feel more at home.
Thank you for your service, Joseph! Remember to share these stories on social media using #MSCIMetalVets and to join the Military Appreciation Month conversation on MSCI’s Community Forum.