Honoring Those Who Served: Steve Hutchings
May is National Military Appreciation Month in the United States. MSCI will celebrate by featuring member company employees — our MSCI Metals Veterans — who have served their country in uniform. If you are veteran or member of the military and would like to share your story, fill out this questionnaire. Readers: we hope you will honor these courageous individuals by sharing their stories on social media using #MSCIMetalVets and tagging MSCI.
Name: Steve Hutchings
Company: United States Steel Minntac
City and State: Mountain Iron, Minn.
Current Position/Job Title: Mine Equipment Trainer
Education: Business degree
Military Branch: U.S. Army, active and reserve
Years of Service: 25 years
Job/MOS in the military: Master Sergeant (E-8). Combat engineer, plumber and equipment operator.
Unit and where you were stationed: I was stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga; Ft. Campbell, Ky.; Korea; four different Reserve Units in Minnesota; Germany, Guatemala, and two tours in Iraq
What memorable phrase or word will never be the same now that you served? “No one left behind.”
What is something new you learned about yourself from serving? That I’m a good leader.
How have you applied lessons in the military to your job/career? The skills and lessons that I obtained while in the military have been extremely helpful. Not just regarding how you deal with all the success and failures, but with all the different types of people too. I never say race, color, or creed. You must depend on everyone to watch your back! I know this perspective has helped me be the best leader I can be here at Minntac. The last thing is, it’s awesome to be on day shift to be able to volunteer for all the Legion, VFW, United Way for Veterans group, Wounded Warriors of Minnesota, and present the Colors at high schools sports and activities and other community events in the area.
Do you have a favorite quote, mantra, or personal motto? No man is a leader until he is ratified in the minds and hearts of his men — adapt and overcome!
Thank you for your service, Steve! Click here to read other profiles in this series and join the Military Appreciation Month conversation on MSCI’s Community Forum.