
February 8, 2021

MSCI Launches Build Now Campaign For Infrastructure Investment

Public and private investment in infrastructure will create jobs all along the industrial metals supply chain, and with the economy struggling due to COVID-19, there is no better time to invest. That’s why MSCI has launched a new campaign, Build Now, that asks our member company leaders and employees – and their customers, family members and neighbors – to share stories about why government leaders must invest in bridges, hospitals, schools, and other infrastructure.

Individuals can join MSCI’s movement by logging on to, signing up, and sharing photos of infrastructure in their towns and cities, states and provinces.

MSCI’s goal is to show the world how crumbling infrastructure impacts lives, families, jobs, communities, and the economy. If individuals notice infrastructure being built in their areas, MSCI wants to see that too. Log on to the website to show how many jobs are being generated, for example, or discuss the impact on the industrial metals sector.

Join MSCI today at

Click here for more information about the campaign and here to read more from MSCI President and CEO Bob Weidner about the need for comprehensive infrastructure investment in Canada and the United States.

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