
May 15, 2023

Honoring Those Who Served: Michael Koch

May is National Military Appreciation Month in the United States. MSCI will celebrate by featuring member company employees — our MSCI Metals Veterans — who have served their country in uniform. If you are veteran or member of the military and would like to share your story, fill out this questionnaire. Readers: we hope you will honor these courageous individuals by sharing their stories on social media using #MSCIMetalVets and tagging MSCI.

Name: Michael Koch
Company: MC Machinery Systems, Inc.
City and State: Elk Grove Village, Ill.
Current Position/Job Title: Applications Manager — Fabrication Division
Military Branch: U.S. Army
Years of Service: 16 years
Job/MOS in the military: 31B (military police)
Unit and where you were stationed: 814th Military Police Company, last stationed in Arlington Heights, Ill.

How have you applied lessons in the military to your job/career? In the U.S. Army, I learned a good leader will “lead by example,” and never ask a soldier to do something that you as a leader would not do because you think the task may be beneath you. This has really helped me in my career at MC Machinery. I think it’s a considerable factor with my team’s cohesiveness.

Do you have a favorite quote, mantra, or personal motto? From Colin Powell: “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

How can the metals industry do a better job connecting with veterans? Invest in training and development opportunities specifically for veterans, such as apprenticeships and internships. Develop a mentorship program that pairs veterans with experienced metals industry professionals.

Thank you for your service, Michael! Click here to read other profiles in this series and join the Military Appreciation Month conversation on MSCI’s Community Forum.

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